Soul Boom Book Review

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I recently read a book by Rainn Wilson (Dwight from The Office) titled “Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution”. OK, I actually listened to the audio book at 1.75x speed, read by Mr. Wilson himself. He is an amazing 1.75 speed narrator. Here is my Soul Boom book review.

Soul Boom Book Review
Me, mouthing the word “BOOM”, obviously.

Soul Boom Summary

“Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution” by Rainn Wilson explores the idea that society is in need of a spiritual revolution. Wilson submits that we need to modify, if not radically overhaul how we do…well…EVERYTHING to address various crises like mental health issues, environmental degradation, and social injustice. Wilson argues that a deeper, collective spiritual awakening can bring about meaningful change and help build a more compassionate and connected world. He draws on his personal experiences and insights from different spiritual traditions to make a case for the importance of soulfulness and spirituality in contemporary life. The book is both a call to action and a guide for those seeking to foster a more profound sense of purpose and connection.

Why do we need a spiritual revolution?

According to Rainn Wilson in “Soul Boom,” we need a spiritual revolution to address the growing sense of disconnection, meaninglessness, and fragmentation in modern society. Wilson argues that many of the world’s problems stem from a lack of spiritual awareness and connection. He believes that materialism and individualism have led to a loss of purpose and a deeper sense of community.

Wilson suggests that a spiritual revolution can foster greater empathy, compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness among people. This shift can inspire collective action to tackle global issues and promote personal growth. By embracing spirituality in a broader, more inclusive sense (not limited to organized religion), individuals can find a deeper sense of meaning and work towards a more just, loving, and sustainable world.

Rainn Wilson does not advocate we pick a specific religion. Or demand we even choose ANY religion at all. But he does cite examples from several world religions and spiritual practices that suggest various believers are not as different from one another as we may think. He suggests we are all tied together through some magical, mysterious, creative cosmic force (see chapter on the Notorious G.O.D.)

Who is Rainn Wilson?

Rainn Wilson is an American actor, comedian, writer, and producer. He is best known for his role as Dwight Schrute on the TV series “The Office” (U.S. version, not to be confused with the original U.K. version.) Wilson’s performance on “The Office” earned him three Emmy Award nominations.

In addition to his work in television and movies, he’s also the co-founder of the digital media company SoulPancake, which focuses on producing uplifting and thought-provoking content. Prior to writing “Soul Boom”, Wilson authored a memoir, “The Bassoon King,” which explores his life and career.

Rainn Wilson is a follower of the Bahá’í Faith, a religion that emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind. The Bahá’í Faith teaches the oneness of God, the unity of all religions, and the importance of universal peace and justice.

Wilson’s faith has had a significant impact on his life and worldview. He often speaks about the principles of the Bahá’í Faith, such as the equality of men and women, the elimination of racial prejudice, and the harmony of science and religion. He views his spiritual beliefs as a guiding force in his life and career, influencing his desire to create content that is meaningful and promotes positive change.

Wilson has also used his platform to promote interfaith dialogue and spiritual exploration. Through his media company SoulPancake and his book “Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution,” he encourages people to explore life’s big questions and engage in conversations about faith, purpose, and the human experience.

Now onto the rating of “Soul Boom”

My innovative system for rating humor books is explained here

Wholesomeness Score: 4.5/5

The whole darn book is about inspiring readers to explore their own spiritual beliefs, find a sense of purpose, and contribute to creating a more just and harmonious world. It doesn’t get much more gosh darned wholesome than that! A few swears, but nothing egregious.

Hilarity Score: 4/5 ranked Rainn Wilson’s character, Dwight Schrute from The Office as THE #1 FUNNIEST TV CHARACTER OF ALL TIME. So yes, he is funny. Soul Boom had plenty of hilarious one-liners, silliness and funny scenarios (like creating a NEW religion where one of the key tenants is: potlucks. Lots and lots of potlucks.)


Overall Book Awesomeness Score: 5/5 

Loved it. One of my favorite books I’ve ever read/listened to at 1.75x speed. It was entertaining, inspirational, and FUNNY.


Things I liked:

  • Instead of tearing down any beliefs or spiritual practices, Soul Boom finds what we have in common. Maybe we’re not so different after all?
  • Educational. I learned a lot about other cultures, religions and faith practices. It motivated me to learn more.
  • Acknowledging that potlucks are a critical spiritual practice
  • Rainn Wilson’s audio narration (highly recommend)

Things I didn’t like:

Conclusion: Final Thoughts on “Soul Boom: Why we need a spiritual revolution”

One of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Wholesome. Inspirational. Hilarious. Right up my alley.

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Did you actually make it down to the bottom of this review? If so, THANKS! And leave me a comment about the NEXT FUNNY BOOK I should read. Or spirituality/religious book I should read. Or next book about potlucks I should read.

2 thoughts on “Soul Boom Book Review”

  1. Hi Scott, I made it to the end. Nice job with your thorough review. I recently heard a theory applying the square root law of a population, about 88,000 people is the square root of today’s population of the world, to be at some alignment/awakening…. Well, I’m not quite sure what would happen, and seems that the thought and notion that there ought to be awakening as a focus or aims towards this – seems to be a theme.

    1. Hi Jered!
      Do I have to be good at math to endorse this square root law theory? Ah never mind, I’m in! So maybe we don’t have to work as hard as it may seem – we only need to convince 88,000 people to read Rainn Wilson’s book!

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