My Book Review Rating System

I’m reading lots of books. Humor books in particular. Wholesome humor books in extra particular. I’m connecting with folks looking for the same type of literature. So I created a book review rating system to help sort and identify some key areas of the funny books I’ve consumed. I’m sure it soon will be adopted as the standard of humor book ratings across the industry.

I’m just a guy looking to find CLEAN FUNNY BOOKS to read!

My book rating system will not work for everyone. It will simply be MY assessment. The assessment will be based on a regular ‘ol guy looking for good ‘ol clean funny books. Will I read books that are NOT so clean? Yes. Will I read books that are NOT very funny? Yes. Will I read books that are NOT books? I don’t know what that means. But probably.

Since this is the lens through which I shall be reviewing books, I will judge the books based on 3 criteria:

  1. Wholesomeness
  2. Hilarity
  3. Overall Awesomeness

Here is my new innovative rating system for books:

Wholesomeness book rating score (out of 5)

I appreciate clean, wholesome content. The kind I would share with my Grandmother. Points docked for swearing, violence, being mean, and things that I wouldn’t discuss with my Grandmother. Halo = Wholesome.


Hilarity book rating score (out of 5)

Humor is of course, subjective. I’m scoring based on my sense of humor. And although my sense of humor happens to be the correct opinion of humor, I acknowledge not everyone is as hilarious as I am. Therefore, your experience may vary. I attempted to create a logo that shows my cartoon-ized self laughing so hard I can’t keep my eyes open.


Overall Awesomeness book rating score (out of 5)

This is a score of general book value. A book could score low on my Wholesomeness scale and/or Hilarity scale and still receive a high score on Overall Awesomeness. I don’t have any specific guidelines for this category, so the score will be based on my whims and opinions at that particular moment in time. Why a green check mark on top of my head? Because stars are cliche.


Things I liked:

This is self-explanatory, right?

Things I didn’t like:

Hopefully, also self-explanatory

OK, I know what you’re thinking. How many million$ of dollar$ did $cott pay for that amazing logo and graphics work above? Believe it or not, I created those myself. For free! Sorry, I am not accepting clients for my graphic design services at this time.

Hopefully, you’ll appreciate my Book Review Rating System. You’ll see it applied in my future humorous book reviews.

Have you read some funny books? Let me know about them! Always looking to add to my T.B.R. list!

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