Author Event at Ronning Library in Sioux Falls

Scott and his lovely wife Hiedi. Yes, I spelled Hiedi correctly.

Well, I guess I’m an author now! The giant poster awkward poster confirms it! I had a great time at Ronning Library in Sioux Falls sharing my book “Essays Out of Left Field“. It was a raucous crowd! They laughed at my dumb jokes, asked thoughtful questions, and didn’t fall asleep (as far as I could tell.)

I spoke about how my award-eligible book came into existence and read an excerpt/chapter from the book. I chose to share the essay “A Joyful Noise”, which recounts the harrowing tale of how I survived my daughter’s 5th-grade band concert.

Thank you to the Siouxland Libraries for hosting me! I am so grateful for your lack of standards for allowing someone like me to speak to your customers!

Photos and post-game buffalo wings (not pictured) courtesy of Goofball Russ.

Author-Event-Ronning-Library-Sioux Falls-Poster
giant awkward poster greeting people at the door
proof of the raucousness of the crowd
probably listening to a question or forgetting what I was supposed to be talking about
me explaining that one time I did stand-up comedy for a free beer
no explanation needed
speaking with fans… or shall we just call them “attendees” after the presentation

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